Mindset to Become a Millionaire: Insights from Saad Hashmani

Understanding the journey to success is crucial for anyone aspiring to achieve greatness. Saad Hashmani, a successful entrepreneur, shares his experiences and the mindset required to navigate challenges on the path to becoming a millionaire. His journey is not just about financial success but also about personal growth, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. This blog captures the essence of his story and provides valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Childhood and Early Life

Saad Hashmani's childhood was marked by simplicity and a strong foundation of values instilled by his parents. Growing up, he was known as the "angry young man," a stubborn child who often challenged the status quo. Despite the challenges, his parents provided him with the attention and respect he needed, shaping his character in profound ways. Education played a vital role in his upbringing, as his parents emphasized its importance from an early age.

From a young age, Saad had a clear vision of becoming an engineer. This aspiration was ignited when his parents encouraged him to pursue a career in science after he broke his first toy. He realized that he wanted to create something meaningful, and this desire drove him to excel academically. Saad's childhood experiences, both good and bad, laid the groundwork for his future endeavors.

Facing Visa Rejections

One of the most significant hurdles in Saad's journey was facing 12 rejections for a U.S. visa. Each rejection brought a wave of disappointment, but it also fueled his determination to succeed. He viewed these challenges as stepping stones rather than roadblocks. Saad believed that every setback was an opportunity to reassess his goals and strategies.

His family's pressure to migrate to the U.S. added to the stress. Saad’s relatives had already settled there, and the allure of a better life was strong. However, he learned to cope with the emotional toll of these rejections, developing a mindset that embraced resilience and adaptability. He understood that success would come in its time, and he remained committed to his dream.

The Importance of Mind Growth

Mind growth is a critical aspect of Saad's philosophy. He emphasizes that an individual's mindset is paramount in overcoming obstacles. Saad believes that a growth mindset allows one to see challenges as opportunities for learning and development. He encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace this mindset and continuously seek knowledge and skills that will aid them in their journey.

In a world dominated by technology, Saad highlights the importance of leveraging resources like the internet and platforms like Google and ChatGPT. He believes that if he had access to such tools earlier in life, he could have achieved even greater success. The ability to adapt to new technologies and use them effectively is essential for anyone looking to thrive in today's competitive environment.

Experiencing Life in America

Upon finally securing a visa and moving to the U.S., Saad faced the reality of life in a foreign country. The expectations he had based on movies and stories did not align with the challenges he encountered. The American lifestyle was demanding, filled with stress and hard work. Saad quickly realized that success in America required relentless effort and a willingness to adapt.

His dreams of luxury and comfort were replaced with the reality of a competitive job market and the need to start from scratch. Saad's journey in America was a testament to his resilience and commitment to his goals. He learned that success is not handed to anyone; it is earned through dedication, hard work, and a willingness to face challenges head-on.

Education's Role in Success

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping one's career and success trajectory. Saad emphasizes that while formal education is important, practical knowledge and street smarts are equally vital. He acknowledges that he dropped out of university twice, yet he has managed to carve a successful path for himself. This dichotomy illustrates that education comes in many forms, and one should not be confined to traditional routes.

For Saad, the real education happens beyond the classroom. He encourages young people to identify their strengths, utilize modern technologies, and make informed career choices. By focusing on personal growth and practical skills, individuals can create opportunities for themselves that transcend conventional educational paths.

Overcoming the Slave Mindset

Saad discusses the concept of the "slave mindset," which he believes hinders personal and professional growth. This mindset is characterized by a lack of ambition and a tendency to settle for mediocrity. To break free from this mentality, Saad advocates for setting clear goals and being flexible in one's approach to achieving them.

He stresses the importance of having principles and standing firm in one’s beliefs. A person with a strong mindset does not waver in the face of adversity. Instead, they adapt and find new ways to overcome challenges. Saad's journey exemplifies the power of a determined mindset in achieving success.

Balancing Work and Life

Finding a balance between work and personal life is essential for long-term success. Saad acknowledges that while hard work is necessary, it is equally important to prioritize family and personal well-being. He believes that individuals should learn to compartmentalize their professional and personal lives, ensuring that stress from work does not spill over into family time.

Saad’s philosophy revolves around the idea that life is not just about achieving goals but also about enjoying the journey. He encourages individuals to take time for themselves and their loved ones while pursuing their ambitions. This balance is crucial for maintaining mental health and overall happiness.

Embracing Failure as a Learning Tool

Failure is often viewed negatively, but for Saad, it is a powerful teacher. He recounts his experience of dropping out of engineering school and the feelings of guilt that followed. However, he learned to view this setback as an opportunity for growth. Saad emphasizes that every failure brings valuable lessons that contribute to future success.

His message to aspiring entrepreneurs is clear: do not fear failure. Instead, embrace it and use it as a stepping stone toward your goals. The ability to learn from mistakes and adapt is what sets successful individuals apart from others.

Future Aspirations and Pakistan's Progress

Saad envisions a bright future for Pakistan, despite the current challenges facing the country. He believes that the youth of Pakistan are filled with potential and that with the right mindset and opportunities, they can achieve great things. Saad aims to create job opportunities and foster a culture of entrepreneurship in Pakistan.

His ultimate goal is to establish a hub where individuals can develop their skills and contribute to the economy. Saad's vision for Pakistan goes beyond personal success; he aims to uplift his community and inspire the next generation of leaders.


Saad Hashmani's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and a growth-oriented mindset. His experiences highlight the importance of education, the willingness to adapt, and the courage to face challenges head-on. For anyone aspiring to become a millionaire or achieve greatness, embracing these principles is essential. Saad’s story serves as an inspiration, reminding us that success is not just about financial wealth but also about personal growth and contributing to the greater good.

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